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To contact us about availability, please fill in this form and mail it. By completing all details about your reservation, we’ll be glad to give you full information about availability and more!

In case of confirmation, we will ask you to kindly fill out a complete and secure form.

Offer detail

Expiration 01 Jan 1970

Last Name First Name
E-mail Fax

Arrival date Total nights
Type of room Extra bed Total rooms
N° of adults N° of kids In the name

Specification and other requests:

In accordance with article 13 of Italian law 196/03 we inform you that:

The data collected here are used solely to meet the needs of the requested service. This information may be used only by the personnel responsible for this activity and only divulged within the scope and purposes of the service provided.

Hotel Gabrielli Sandwirth Riva degli Schiavoni, 4110 – 30122 Venice, Italy – Ph. +39.041.5231580 – Fax +39.041.5209455 – [email protected]

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